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  • Writer's picturekriti T

Spirituality is a laughing matter

Spirituality. Noun.

the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

I hate how the air in the room changes as soon as I mention that I am spiritual. People who were laughing at my jokes or asking me about my book collection just minutes earlier, now feel like I am a crazy godwoman who goes on retreats and organize seances.

Spirituality has been associated with religion or all the woo woo stuff for far too long.

Credit: Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

NO. That’s not how spirituality works. At least, not for me. Just like everything else, Spirituality is also very personal, and it differs from people to people. It works in many different ways. Some people worship Gods, some meditate, some spend time alone, some spend time with animals, some journal, I could literally just go on and on.

What does being spiritual really mean?

Spirituality is just being in alignment with your spirit, your soul. Your soul might enjoy movement so dancing becomes something that brings you in alignment. Your soul might ignite when you inspire others, so talking and voicing your thoughts and opinions becomes your spiritual expression.

Basically, it is whatever you want it to be. You can be a Hairdresser and be spiritual, you can be an Investment Banker and be spiritual. Your profession has nothing to do with it.

Who can be spiritual?

Everyone and no one, depending on whom you’re asking. If you’re asking me, I believe everyone is spiritual. If you are a software engineer who feeds a stray dog on your way back from work, you are spiritual. Because you do a little something that brings joy to your soul. No matter how English or any other language describes Spirituality, you define it for yourself.

Why should you be spiritual?

We have managed to create a world for ourselves where money, Instagram followers and general opulence has become a prerequisite for happiness. What we fail to see while chasing these things is that we are chasing THINGS. Things that may last forever but the happiness they bring will be transient. Because the moment we attach joy and meaning to things, we will forever be in the energy of chasing, instead of being in the energy of appreciating, or enjoying, or living. Things that lift our spirits up are usually the simpler things, like a call from a close friend, or a cup of tea made by mom, or cuddles from your dog. All these things require you to be in the moment, to be present.

Why is Spirituality, then, a laughing matter?

Remember the last time you made a baby smile? Or the time when your parents were so proud of you that they didn’t utter a single word, they just smiled? Or that wild Friday night where you were laughing away with your friends? Well, all these seemingly tiny and insignificant things, nourished your soul, brought you a step closer to your own spirit. You might not remember what you were laughing on, but you remember the feeling and the pure ecstatic emotion that moment evoked, right?

Laughing brings you closer to the people who matter, it brings you closer to your soul, it brings you closer to yourself.

It can be hard to find laughs in our everyday lives but it’s worth trying. Go ahead, get laughing, get spiritual.

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